Content of review 1, reviewed on March 22, 2016

Comments on the manuscript (GIGA-D-16-00014)

Pink bollworm is useful as a model for understanding insect responses to Bt toxins, and the knowledge of protein-coding genes from the pink bollworm midgut is critical for understanding how this important insect pest functions. In the manuscript developed by Erica E Tassone et al, transcriptome data are presented to decipher relevant midgut proteins involved with xenobiotic detoxification, nutrient digestion and allocation, as well as protein receptors with Bt intoxication. This work will contribute to the future functional characterization of the genes related to resistance.

The manuscript is well written, and I only have some minor suggestions:

1. It would be helpful if a description file (readme) could be provided for the data deposited in the Giga database.

2. Figure 1 present the comparison of two Lepidoptera species, which does not provide scientifically meaningful information. I would suggest that the comparison be preformed with more species rather than two. And the E-value of 101 is not as stringent as required.

3. In the manuscript, the authors claimed that the transcriptome data presented here represent the first large-scale molecular resource for this species, and may be used for deciphering relevant midgut proteins critical for xenobiotic detoxification, nutrient digestion and allocation, as well as for the discovery of protein receptors important for Bt intoxication. It would be helpful if a list and a reasonable classification of the proteins could be provided.

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    © 2016 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0 - source).


    E., T. E., Gina, Z., John, M., E., N. M., Gusui, W., Lindsey, F. J., Yves, C., E., T. B., A., F. J. 2016. Sequencing, de novo assembly and annotation of a pink bollworm larval midgut transcriptome. GigaScience.