Content of review 1, reviewed on August 24, 2018

The authors has made an effort to make the paper publishable in the Journal. As such there is not much problem in the publication yet there is room for improvement. For example, The abstract should have been made in such a way that it should speak the summary of each components (cf. Publons Academy) of the paper but that is not covered in the paper. Present abstract only reported the summary of the results but the background of the work was not reflected. The authors could have highlighted the environmental issues as this issue is very important in the current context. The authors could have quoted the pressure range [within a bracket ( 2-3.5 bars) i.e., after the word ‘pressure’ written in the 9th line of Abstract]. In the 5th & 6th lines under ‘Experimental Materials section (p. 3)’ needs modification –the sentence appears cumbersome. Certain words still looks clustered which need to be separated e.g., cell(Vr) should be cell (Vr) .
Poutbaix diagram is not very commonly known among polymer community, therefore Poutbaix diagram could be stated with some discussion to correlate the result of the present paper in the light of Poutbaix diagram [in the Result and Discussion section/Effect of pH on metal ion retention] to make it more attractive to the Polymer community as Journal deals with the subject of Polymers.
The design of experiments is not based on sensible judgement in selecting P-M ratio, pH etc. to make a clear comparative view to conclude convincingly. Structural features of VO3- may be useful to give a better interpretative correlation with the experimental data.
Although the paper stated that Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) (model Unicam Solaar 5M Series) was used to measure the concentration of molybdenum or vanadium but nothing reported about the spectral features like detection limit. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is a very sensitive instrument for estimation of selective trace metals even in the range of ppb. So the natural question appears what was the detection limits in this experimental report. This part can be elaborated. Whether the metals can be recovered from the polymer is not discussed. The paper may discuss in brief about the utility of this polymer in the light of the Sewage water treatment.


    © 2018 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    L., R. B., Carolina, E., Julio, S. 2019. Application of the liquid-phase polymer-based retention technique to the sorption of molybdenum(VI) and vanadium(V). Polymer Bulletin.