Content of review 1, reviewed on September 28, 2020

Comments on abstract, title, references

Comments on abstract: Background: Aim of the study is clearly mentioned , however it is better to mentioned gap in knowledge and novelty of research .

Methods : Study design is clear ( randomized controlled trial), number of participants in each group is mentioned (120), method of sampling is mentioned (systematic sampling). Data collection tool and intervention provided is mentioned. statistical tool is mentioned. However, allocation and concealment is not mentioned, whether it is blinded/masking or not (if blinded who were blinded/masked). Informed consent and ethical consideration is not mentioned. Result is clear . Conclusion is clear, it can be easily co-related with aims, methods and result section. Trial registration mentioned.

Title: Study design is clear, population/problem and intervention is is better to mention place/country in title. References: References are relevant and most are recent. While citing the references when there are more than one and continuous then it is better to mention like this (18,25,27,28-30) rather than ([18, 25, 27,28,29,30] .

Comments on introduction/background

Logical sequence is maintained (Funneling is done). Adequate literature review done. Acronyms written in full. Aims is clear. Research problem is defined. Gap in knowledge is mentioned. Hypothesis is not mentioned.

Comments on methodology

1.Design is clear: Randomized controlled trial. 2. Setting, duration and location mentioned. 3.Sample size calculation is clear. 4.Blinding : single blinding is mentioned, it is better to mention who is blind/mask (participants, Examiner or analysis) 5.Eligibility criteria clearly mentioned. 6.Allocation and concealment is not clear. 7.Validity and reliability of the questionnaire is mentioned. 8.Method of questionnaire administration is not clear whether it is self-administered or interview based? 9.Flow diagram is given. (According to CONSORT guidelines, it is better to mention flow diagram in results section rather than methods section). 10.Statistical tool used in study is mentioned. 11.What type of probable bias can occur and how to minimize it is not mentioned. 12.Objective of the study is :to design and evaluate an educational intervention to promote oral and dental hygiene-related behaviors in patients with T2DM. Here they have assessed only through questionnaire, which means they may have increase in knowledge but may have not change in behaviors, if you are checking for behavior change then it is necessary /better to show any improvement in oral health or not at the baseline and after intervention . otherwise it only show knowledge but not behavior.

Comments on data and results

1.Results is well written in text and tabular form. 2. Appropriate units, and number of decimals. 3.Titles, columns, and rows labelled correctly and clearly. 4.Statistical tools used are appropriate. However, in table 1 numbers are less than 5' is chi-square test is appropriate? or you have to use other tests-fisher exact test. 5. In table 3 it is better to write mean±S.D

Comments on discussion and conclusions

  1. First statement in discussion is explicit statement of results which is good.
  2. Sufficient comparison with other relevant studies.
  3. Self-efficacy in the control group is improved. However it is not mentioned in discussion. Please mention it in discussion and provide the reason.
  4. Limitations of the study : you have mentioned small sample size as limitation. what is the reason for calculating sample size. what are the biases can be seen in this type of study, please mention it. Like social-desirability bias can be seen in this type of study. 5.Further research recommendation is mentioned which is good
  5. The conclusion is in accordance with the aims and results of the study.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Maryam, M., Mohsen, S., Nasrin, R., Rahmatollah, M. 2020. A randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention to promote oral and dental health of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. BMC Public Health.