Content of review 1, reviewed on April 04, 2017

Good day to you,

I reviewed the manuscript entitled "Quantitative Hepatitis B e Antigen: A Better Predictor of Hepatitis B Virus DNA than Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antigen". The topic is quite novel but the study design and presentation is not acceptable for publication in Hepatitis Monthly Journal. Please follow my major concerns:

  1. I believe that in this study, only HBeAg-positive patients should be included.

  2. I did not convince with the cut-off values for definition of high level of the markers.

  3. The study inclusion and exclusion criteria was not mentioned.

  4. The study sample size was small.

  5. The statistical analysis should be revised.

  6. The obtained results cannot support the final conclusion that "HBeAg level is the better predictor of HBV DNA level than HBsAg level.



    © 2017 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    A., H. S., T., N. M., A., N. S., I., S. M., S., T. S., Haniza, O., Hamiza, S., Zamberi, S. 2018. Quantitative Hepatitis B e Antigen: A Better Predictor of Hepatitis B Virus DNA than Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. Clinical Laboratory, 64(4).