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Content of review 1, reviewed on November 19, 2023

The authors evaluated the Changes in Quality and Bacterial Profiles of Tualang and
Kelulut Honeys Preserved by Post-harvest Maturation.
The paper is well written and I read it with great interest.
Here are some minor corrections.

Line 37-39. You can also add a more recent reference entitled Tarapoulouzi, M.; Mironescu, M.; Drouza, C.; Mironescu, I.D.; Agriopoulou, S. Insight into the Recent Application of Chemometrics in Quality Analysis and Characterization of Bee Honey during Processing and Storage. Foods 2023, 12, 473.
Line 81.isolated 4...Please write the number as four
Line 82.reported 2 Bacillus sp.,....The same
Line 287. Apis Mellifera...Please give the right name Apis mellifera L.
Line 394.low-density lipoprotein..Please remove the color


    © 2023 the Reviewer.


    Khang, Y. S., Ling, C. N., Keshavan, N., Karim, S. N. N. A., Lung, T. L. T. 2024. Changes in quality and bacterial profiles of Tualang and Kelulut honeys preserved by post-harvest maturation. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.