Content of review 1, reviewed on July 30, 2020

Comments to the Manuscript Number: HSCI-D-20-00013 Full Title: "Study on Deterioration of the stone used in the Anahita Temple of Kangavar, Western Iran"

Article Type: Research article

Authored by: Vahid Barnoos, Omid Oudbashi, and Atefeh Shekofteh

Dear Richard Brereton, Editor in Chief of "Heritage Science journal" The manuscript deals with a very interesting issue concerning a comprehensive research work program to study the types of stone deterioration in Anahita Temple of Kangavar, Western Iran. It seems that this paper contains good results analysis and using multi-approaches to reach the aim of the paper. Also, the paper involves better links for the results obtained from different interesting tests (XRD, XRF, SEM-EDS, and optical microscope observation), as well as, the paper deals with analysis for the climatological data for thirty years and used to illustrate or to explain the results of the study.

Prior to publication Authors are kindly asked to address the following recommendations and suggestions (even these recommendations and suggestions are included in the PDF file attached):

In "Introduction"

• In page 4-line 12: Please change "BC" to "BCE". The same as in line 18.

• In page 5-line 5: The reference No [13] is concerned to chemical weathering only, but also, you can refer to the following research works:

  1. Scrivano S, Gaggero L, Aguilar J (2018) Micro-porosity and micro-petrographic features influences on decay: experimental data from four dimension stones. Constr Build Mater. 173:342–349.

  2. Vázquez P, Shushakova V, Gómez-Heras M (2015) Influence of mineralogy on granite decay induced by temperature increase: experimental observations and stress simulation. Eng Geol 189:58–67

In "Materials and Methods"

• In page 6-line 19: 150 g not 150 gr

• Also in page 6-line19: It seems that the characterization of clay type is done only for the stone sample from the Chel Maran quarry. Why did not perform this test on stone samples from Anahita Temple site? Then, you can compare both results; I think this will consolidate your analysis.

• In page 6-line 23: Concerning (H2O2), you must put "2" subscript tow times.

In "Results" Decay patterns

• In page 7-line 19: Please remove the capital letter (T) and replaced it with small one (t) as shown below: "..... pieces, the highest....." but not "..... pieces, The highest....."

• the author must be careful for this word "befining". I think it is "beginning" instead of "befining"

• In page 7-line 22: The following definitions are from ICOMOS 2008: - Scaling: which is related to the detachment of stone layers (thickness : millimetric to centimetric).

  • Flaking : scaling in thin flat or curved scales of submillimetric to millimetric thickness, organized as fish scales.

  • Contour scaling : scaling in which the interface with the sound part of the stone is parallel to the stone surface. In the case of flat surfaces, contour scaling may be called spalling. Case hardening is a synonym of contour scaling

You should not confuse with other forms of stone detachments. In fact, there are two different forms of stone scaling: spalling and flaking. You can consider the paper of [Janvier-Badosa et al., 2014: The occurrence of gypsum in the scaling of stones at the Castle of Chambord (France)].

• In page 8-line 14: you should to define "rillenkarren" before, I think it is from Germany origin. Then, you can present its occurrence in the studied site of Anahita Temple. • Again, in page 8-lines (17-18): The author is strongly asked: Why the activity of stone decay via Lichens is more considerable in these two façades? I think it is important to give some discussion about this case in the rest of the discussion part of this paper.

Microscopic observations

• In page 9-line 11: I think this reference [20] is more concerned in Climate change and I prefer to replace by the new one:

"Scheerer S, Ortega-Morales O, Gaylarde C (2009) Microbial deterioration of stone monuments—an updated overview. In Laskin AL, Saraslani S, Gadd G (eds). Adv Microbiol 66: 97–139"

This new reference is more suitable and contains comprehensive information about the microbial activities in relation to stone deterioration.

Thin section petrography

• In page 9-line 22: I think that the word "diagenese" is from French or German Origin, and I prefer to delete it and using the mirror of it but in English.

• In page 10-line 1: Please be careful; "comparison" not camparison

• Again, in page 10-line (2-3): You must refer that these findings (i.e. the presence of quartz) will be confirmed by the results of XRD analysis. • In page 10-line-4: I cannot find this micro-cracks in this figure (Fig. a). May be in (Fig. b).

• In page 10-line (20-21): Why the stones show different types (nearly pure calcitic limestone and dolomitic stone), in spite of the suggested idea that the stone was brought from one quarry (from Chel Maran quarry)?

In "XRD analysis"

The name of x-axis in all Figs in Figure 7 must be defined as (two Theta in degree).

• In page 11 line-4: In this figure (7), I think that the intensity at (2theta ≈ 31.0) is not belonged to Quartz. For me Quartz is concordant with (2 theta = 26.6, or = 20.8, or = 36.5). Thus, all the peak values in this figure should be carefully verified.

• In page 11 line-7: There is a new version on 2014 for this reference [45].

• In page 11 line-9: Figure (7-a) did not shows these mineral (illite & albite).

• In page 11 line-14: There is a new version on 2013 for this reference [46].

• In page 11 line-19: The use of gypsum mortar in the construction of the monument in Anahita Temple is not mentioned before in your paper. I think it is important to be mentioned earlier with referring to the reference also.

In "Discussion"

• In page 15 line-4: In addition to this reference [57], the author is recommended to add also the two refs. :

  1. "Eren, M., Hatipoglu-Bagci, Z., 2010. Karst Surface Features of the Hard Laminated Crust (Caliche Hardpan) in the Mersin area, Southern Turkey. Acta Carsologica, 39: 93–102"

  2. Mottershead, D.N., 1996. A study of solutional flutes (Rillenkarren) at Lluc, Mallorca. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 103, 215–241.

• In page 15 lines (8-10): Are sure? Because the results from EDS indicate there are some elements of Na, Mg, and even S. Also, you mentioned in page 18, lines (4-6) that the action of salt weathering could be active in the future deterioration of stone in Anahita Temple.

• In page 15 line-13: Concerning reference No [59], when I go back to this reference, in my mind I will find something related to the stone deterioration of Anahita Temple due to climate effects, but I surprised that this reference is related to stone in Jordan. Thus, this reference cannot be placed here.

• In page 15 lines (19-21): It seems that these temperature values not as average (in other words, 41.6 oC is the minimum temperature during 30 years, from 1987 to 2017). I think it is better to submit another data (in addition to what presented herein): I mean the average minimum values and the average maximum values of temperature for all 12 months.

• In page 16 line-5: The author is strongly recommended to add the following reference:

"Cherblanc F, Berthonneau J, Bromblet P, Huon V (2016) Influence of water content on the mechanical behavior of limesonte: role of clay minerals content. Rock Mech Rock Eng 49:2033–2042"

• In page 16 line-6: The author can add the reference below:

"Sebastian E, Cultrone G, Benavente D, et al. (2008) Swelling damage in clay-rich sandstones used in the church of San Mateo in Tarifa (Spain). J Cultural Heritage 9:66–76."

• In Page 16 line-8: This reference [65] is related to soil not to stone. I suggest the two references instead of [65]: 1. Benavente D, Cultrone G, Gomez-Heras M. The combined influence of mineralogical, hygric and thermal properties on the durability of porous building stones. Eur J Mineral 2008;20(4):673–85.

  1. "Berthonneau J, Grauby O, Bromblet P, Vallet JM, Dessandier D, Baronnet A (2012) Role of swelling clay minerals in the spalling decay mechanism of the « pierre du midi » limestone (South-East of France). 12th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. 22–26 October 2012 New York, États-Unis"

• In Page 16 line-17: [67-70] instead of [67, 68, 69, 70]

• In Page 16 line-21: This reference is out of the scope. This reference is much far to the subject: (effect of moisture change on the stone weathering). It is related to soil type clayey soil not related to stone containing clay mineral. Thus, it must be deleted.

• In Page 17 line-10: I think you should recommend to study, in future, of stone deterioration in this site due to the effect of temperature variations, specially that the site show high temperature values in Summer season. I think it is better to add this recommendation in the part of conclusion.

• In page 18 line-2: The author is strongly recommended to add the reference:

Torney C (2012) “Plastic” repair of natural stone in Scotland: perceptions and practice. Struct Surv 30(4):297–311. doi:10.1108/02630801211256643.

In "Figure Captions"

• In page 30 line-11: It should to complete the text in this figure (fig 6-c) as:

"Tiny-grained texture (micritic)" and "Big-grained texture (sparite)"

• In page 30 line-17: There is no illite mineral in this figure (fig. 7-a).

Hope that my comments match your mind………

Thank you for considering me to review this article

Best regards

Asaad Al-Omari

On 24 Feb. 2020


    © 2020 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Vahid, B., Omid, O., Atefeh, S. 2020. The deterioration process of limestone in the Anahita Temple of Kangavar (West Iran). Heritage Science.