Content of review 1, reviewed on October 29, 2021

Here the authors analysed pncA mutations and their effects on pyrazinamidase (PncA) activity. The objective was
1) to increase the knowledge of mutations in the pncA gene related to pyrazinamide (PZA) resistance, and 2) to facilitate rapid molecular diagnosis of PZA resistance in M. tuberculosis. The pncA gene was sequenced and analysed in 465 clinical isolates. 30 new mutations were identified. The pncA activities of the 30 new mutations were tested using a pncA gene knockout Escherichia coli strain to avoid the lack of reproducibility of PZA MIC tests at acidic pH.

I have no conflicts of interest.


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Kun, L., Zhongping, Y., Jing, G., Ming, L., Jiaoyu, D., Yaokai, C. 2021. Characterization of pncA Mutations and Prediction of PZA Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolates From Chongqing, China. Frontiers in Microbiology.