Content of review 1, reviewed on June 05, 2018

The notion and projects of building smart cities is a futuristic trend whereby different nations have different purposes. Bhatt and Jani's paper on smart cities in India has a different perspective and an interesting one indeed. Bringing together the concepts of e-governance [e-democracy], ICT and electricity consumption creates a special flavor to smart cities, specially that the move to build 100 smart cities in India is something superb with an aim to provide electricity on a continuous basis. As the authors assert, "Smart electricity management in upcoming smart cities encounters challenges in the urban electricity management through smart grid via integration of ICT and e-Democracy." The authors use the notion of citizen-centric approach of design-implementation of smart grid, a fact that increases the citizen engagement in decision making and increases the stakeholder opportunities to benefit. This paper serves as a best practice example since the authors offer a case study to demonstrate their model.


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