Content of review 1, reviewed on September 26, 2018

The article contains a lot of self-plagiarized data. Title: Linear: I think the word straight is more expressive Is self-plagiarized from the reference “Awazu S, Araki R, Awazu T. 2012…” Abstract: - Is not structured into sections: Background and aim, patients and methods, results, and conclusion. - Methods are mentioned generally, and not clear nor conclusive. - Results are not mentioned at all. - The conclusion is not supported by any information in the rest of the abstract. - Keywords: not mentioned References - The authors mentioned 4 references, 2 of them are from Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and 2 from surgerical endoscopy: this is a too few citation to build a reliable article Introduction - The authors had to do more focus on colonoscope looping -using wide scale studies, multicenter RCTs, systematic reviews and metanalysis-, - They should give us some information regarding dangerous of looping (other than pain and perforation), methods of solving looping other than change position to left semi-prone position e.g. clockwise or anticlockwise rotation, little air inflation, supine position, external compression, using water instead of air… - The importance of the study is not discussed. The authors didn’t show us the magnitude of the problem of looping Methods - Number of the studied patients is not mentioned - What bases on which patients were chosen? - Characteristics of the studied patients? Some factors can affect the colonoscopy procedure, e.g. previous pelvic surgery, BMI, recent loss of weight, age - No controls for comparison with the conventional or putting patients in the semi-prone position method - Images are virtual. Why not included fluoroscopy images? - It was better to be supplemented with a video. - Images don’t contain step 3. - Some images contain the endoscopist and endoscopy brand names (Dr. Awazu and Pentax) Results - Poor presentation of data: nothing except looping rates of both groups. - It was better to compare both groups (conventional Vs new method) regarding age, sex, BMI, previous pelvic surgery, complaints, morbidities, time of procedures…. - Characteristic of patients with looping in the new method Discussion - Didn’t discuss the main study findings - Not compared their results with other insertion methods - Their claim is greater than their findings “We also consider that straight insertion through the stenotic portion of the sigmoid colon is possible, since the colonoscope can be straightened on the anal side of the stenotic portion each time. In addition, we consider that the colonoscope can be most straightly inserted despite its contact with the colon when the colonoscope neutral position is rotated degrees to the left compared with the colonoscope neutral position”. - Didn’t mention the limitations of the study. - Didn’t comment on the need for further upcoming studies.


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