Content of review 1, reviewed on June 29, 2024

Please indicate how the study controlled for natural variation in the material. Was it only one purchase? Or did you buy the material over a time period to control for variation. Please provide details. Please provide details of study replication.
Please provide spray drying conditions. Indicate how the spray drying was carried out without denaturing the protein.
Please give details of all equipment used, for example the blender in foaming capacity analysis.
Emulsification study, please indicate the speed of the homogeniser.

Statistical analysis
Please indicate the study replication, not just the analysis replication. The authors state that analysis was conducted in triplicate but does not provide study replication.

Results and discussion
Page 11 line 51 – the statement – “the dehulling process of horsegram seeds was implemented to increase the protein content.” Is not 100% accurate. Dehulling does not increase protein content. It can concentrate the amount of protein. Suggest this be corrected.

Table 1 – table 1 is not included in the submission. Please do so.
Recommend that functional property data be included in a table.

All data, to claim a difference must be statistically significant. For example, statements in page 14 line 12 to 22 “Generally, the unhydrolyzed sample exhibited lower solubility at all pH values compared to both hydrolyzed samples and egg albumen powder. While hydrolyzed HG protein samples demonstrated improved solubility relative to the unhydrolyzed sample, they consistently exhibited lower solubility levels compared to egg albumen powder across all pH levels.” To make such claims here and elsewhere there has to be a statistically significant difference. It is not possible to determine this as the table is not included. But please check and confirm that this is the case.

Page 14 line 28 – please avoid language such as “by a slight increase at higher pH values”. There is an increase or there isn’t an increase which must be based on it being statistically significant. Please ensure that this is corrected here and elsewhere in the manuscript.

Recommend the use of neutral language, language such as “paradigm shift across various sectors within the food industry” can be miss leading. It is also recommended that the authors include thoughts on which products or food industry sectors they expect this protein can be used.

Minor grammatical errors that need to be fixed as per the journal’s requirements.


    © 2024 the Reviewer.


    Vatsala, S., Janani, R., Monika, T., Annapurna, S. S. 2024. The functional attributes of protein hydrolysates from horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum). International Journal of Food Science & Technology.