Content of review 1, reviewed on May 27, 2021

The presented work just investigated the activity of different lipopeptides types (surfactin, fengycin and mycosubtillin) on the growth ability of Venturia spores in vitro, also it depicted the morphological alterations being developed as a result of spore treatment with different fractions. The study is only concentrated, as it figures out one aspect of the lipopeptide application, it also determines the IC50 ( the concentration which is needed to inhibit 50% of the fungal growth). So, I recommend the authors to strengthen their work by challenging the conducted treatments in vivo , by testing on apple fruit. I claim that the in plant application is much more important than the lab experiment, as the lab results in most cases do not represent the actual activity of the proposed treatment. Real condition regarding the intervention of the host is so crucial, so in vivo application is a demand for any biopesticide to be used on large commercial practical scale.

The discussion is thorough and coherent, it explicated the attained findings and compared them with the studies working on the same point.


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Helene, D., Caroline, D., Jerome, M., Karin, S., Justine, J., Francois, C., Philippe, J. 2019. Antifungal Activities of Bacillus subtilis Lipopeptides to Two Venturia inaequalis Strains Possessing Different Tebuconazole Sensitivity. Frontiers in Microbiology.