Content of review 1, reviewed on May 28, 2021

Title : Is the study focused on several species of reptiles or specific in one species?

Abstract : Add the objective of the study after the first sentence.

Introduction : What is the importance or impact in reptiles health? Please add one paragraph and describe the significant sparganosis impacts on reptiles health. Moreover, add the aim of the study in the end of last sentences.

Methods : How did the primer designed for the very first time? Is it similar with previous studies in mammalian host? because the subject of present study is reptilian host.

Results : Please add a table which shows the number of prevalence rate from all samples collected in the study. Is there any staining method to confirm the spargana identification using microscope examination? if there is any, please add the figures in the results section.

Discussion and Conclusion : Add several data regarding molecular study which already reported in other areas with similar reptilian hosts. Add several information regarding the limitation of present study and also what are the future challenge or opportunities in present study? Describe in the conclusion section.

References : The references cited must be in the last five years.

Overall : The study was well designed but a minor revision needed in order to strenthen the quality of the article as suggested by reviewer.

Overall Statement (summary) : The study have novelty in the field because of molecular approach in wildlife reptiles rarely reported due to limitation of specific samples collected in each areas.

Overall Strengths : The results of present study may have greater impact on molecular diagnostic regarding sparganosis occurrence in reptilian hosts. Moreover, zoonotic disease control programs in wildlife may strengthening by local government according to the significant findings in present study.

Major Weaknesses : 1. There is no results of standard parasitological examination using staining method on parasites. 2. There is no visualization of reptilian hosts which collected and necropsied in the study. Minor Weaknesses : 1. Add table which describe prevalence rate results. 2. Add the objective of the study in the end introduction part. 3. In the end of conclusion part, add the opportunities in the further study which possibly done by other authors / researchers.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Eliza, K., Malgorzata, T., Rafal, K., Iwona, R., Wojciech, S., Marta, K. 2018. The first case of genetically confirmed sparganosis (Spirometra erinaceieuropaei) in European reptiles. Parasitology Research.