Content of review 1, reviewed on March 27, 2020

Comments on abstract, title, references

The aim of this paper was to try to explain, in a brief, simple and precise way, how the unstable situations of the Crystal Palace team's attack game that have provided possible itineraries to get goal scoring opportunities have been recorded, and on the other hand, this has allowed to identify a team characteristic profile. It has been shown that the Crystal Palace uses wide areas to attack, playing from fullbacks to the wingers, but they do not have players that building play to break opposing lines and be able to advance with possession game.

Aspects of the checklist

Article is very accurate and effective in its field, and has sufficient quality to be published in this publication. So that nothing can detract have to be improved in some aspects.

Tittle it reflects quite well what has been tried to study, but another suggestion of title would also be well received: The attacking process in football: performance itineraries for how teams create goal scoring opportunities.

Abstract Well organized, detailing the highlights of the study briefly and accurately for an initial summary.

References Are correctly cited throughout the text and are relevant and current of the object of study.

Comments on introduction/background

It is clear, it is very well documented and organized, it responds with precision and coherence (with a good common thread) to the needs of the study and provides the appropriate references showing a logical progression of the details to know the research. In addition, it defines well the research problem related to establishing a taxonomy of goal scoring itineraries, which is the greatest concern of coaches.

Suggestions: - the first paragraph at the end: replaces neglected by neglecting

Comments on methodology

The methods show simple descriptive statistics with application of measures such as Median and Interquartile range. Are the independent variables so out of normal to not use Mean and Standard Devation? Why haven't you offered details of the averages of these situations,…. It can be understood that the matches are different, and the variations of the team play style also, .. but it is hard to believe that if you are codifying actions of a same team during the same season, large differences related to a distribution that does not conform to normality can be registered. Please justify this and if necessary include in the manuscript (Statistical analysis)

Suggestions: - in the 3rd paragraph at the end, when he ends up saying ... defenders goal side of the ball ... add in a interposition situation. - In the 4th paragraph when it says .... 2) a team had possession in zone 14 ..... The expert reader can intuit where zone 14 is, but the figure and the source that has given validity to that parceled distribution of the soccer field must be included

Comments on data and results

Easily to interpret on describe attack situations. But in the last paragraph we cannot contrast the information without the data in Table 1.Tables and figures should validate the data and clarify key aspects of the study. Please Please provide table1. Suggestion: -in the 4th paragraph, when it starts by saying ... Shots were most likely to occur from successful crosses, ... add off target / on target/total shots ???

Comments on discussion and conclusions

The discussion has shown that both aims of this paper have been met, on the one hand the unstable situations of the Crystal Palace matches have been recorded, which have provided possible itineraries to get goal scoring opportunities, and on the other hand, this has allowed identify a team characteristic profile. But I don't know if it is appropriate to talk about rigorous methodology, rather a new way of operationalizing the attack, because I understand that the methodology involves describing a set of procedures in the form of methods, instruments, including contextual information in a multifactorial way, and in which researchers and coaches must agree, as a way to solve real competition problems. I think it is simply describing what a new way of categorizing the attack process would be through these performance itineraries. Please this should be clarified so as not to confuse the reader.

Suggestion: - In the 3rd paragraph when it says ... The corner kick was shown to be their most effective method of creating an unstable situation… add if this situation is that makes it possible to send a successful cross as can be seen in figure 3.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Jongwon, K., Nic, J., Nimai, P., Besim, A., Goran, V. 2019. The Attacking Process in Football: A Taxonomy for Classifying How Teams Create Goal Scoring Opportunities Using a Case Study of Crystal Palace FC. Frontiers in Psychology.