Content of review 1, reviewed on November 27, 2019

Manuscript Title: Energy-Efficient Fuzzy Logic Cluster Head selection in Wireless Sensor Networks Journal Name: IEEE Type of Article: Research Describe: The paper compared between EEFL-CH approach compared with LEACH and LEACH-RE routing protocols. The paper has two authors, Hassan EL ALAMI, Abdellah NAJID Revision recommendation: Accept with minor revision

Introduction: This study focuses on architectures and algorithms that allow energy-efficient operation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Design a WSN simulation using one of the famous algorithms in this regard is the clustering algorithm for decrease energy consumption in terms of network lifetime extension using three fuzzy parameters (residual energy, expected efficiency, and closeness to base station). The results in this paper show that the EEFL-CH approach has a better result as compared with LEACH and LEACH-ERE routing protocols.

Merits: The aim of the manuscript is clear to explain in the energy-efficient operation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choice of correct methods that are suitable for the problem to be studied. All variables were defined and also measured appropriately. There is enough literature review. All data provided is in appropriate manner. The results are easy to follow. The results were discussed from multiple angles and placed into context The conclusions showed the aims of manuscript: very good.

Critique: This manuscript has a number of general and specific problems as following: The title should be written as Energy-Efficient Cluster Head Selection in WSN using Fuzzy Logic. In the abstract should be mentioned the area where the sensor nodes were applied and the number of cluster heads (CHs) and but not defined what is program used in this study. The citation should start with [1], [2] onwards, however, in the paper citation starts with [1] after that [11]. A proper numbering of cited references is required. Inline 29, in Introduction acronym didn’t define in this study, example the word (BS). Most of the applications mentioned covers sensor nodes, But there are other applications that are not mentioned are very modern applications. The first paragraph in Overview of Fuzzy Logic approach is confusing. Figure 1, Not sufficiently explained and what is FIS? Figure7 is not clear enough. The Table 2 is a plagiarized should be written the reference. There is no figure showing the distribution of sensor nodes, Cluster head, and Base station. There is a large repetition of sentences in this paper. Some sentences are ambiguously explained in system model All references lists are not formatted according to the rules. Please rewrite the references in order. There are no DOIs or access URLs, no page ranges, etc. in references.

Discussion : The manuscript is currently interesting as a specific study of energy consumption of sensor nodes, selection Head cluster and send all information to base station, but has limited wider relevance. I think there is potential for broadening the scope of the manuscript by further discussion of the applied relevance of the work for energy consumption and determine the number of sensor nodes are working or not working (dead) as well as the environment when deployed it also the distance between all nodes and base station and this nodes are mobility or not. the WSNs scenario should be written clearly.

The most important issue that is required to be considered in the Article? The use of antennas, whether Omani-direction or Direction and how to transfer information and data from the sensors to the base station.


    © 2019 the Reviewer.


    Mohamed, E., Ella, H. A. 2019. Optimizing Cluster Head Selection in WSN to Prolong Its Existence. Mathematics of the Uncertain: a Tribute to Pedro Gil.