Content of review 1, reviewed on June 01, 2021

This article describes an approach of human face recognition based on wavelet transform from thermal IR images. The system consists of three steps: human thermal IR face image is preprocessed and the face region is cropped from the entire image; Haar wavelet is used to extract low frequency band; and image classification. They reported a recognition rate of 95%.

1.- Please complete the methodology stated in the abstract by mentioning the series matching technique used in the classification step.

Comments on introduction/background

2.- Update your reference 3 with more recent literature about infrared face recognition.I recommend the review "Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review of methodologies and databases" by Shoja Ghiass et al.

3.- Please expand "IR" and "CCD" acronyms at the beggining of the introduction.

Comments on methodology

4.- Please include the demographic information of the 76 individuals involved.

Comments on data and results.

5.- Include the recognition rate (average obtained from the different datasets) of your method in the table 3 where you presented results from the other 10 methods so the comparison can be performed more clearly.

6.- Specify the units (pixels) used in table 1,

Comments on discussion and conclusions

7.- Mention your conclusion about if your method provides an advantage on the face recognition problem according to your results reported in table 3.

8.- Finally, include limitations about the sample size, demography, and acquisition process.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Seal, A., Ganguly, S., Bhattacharjee, D., Nasipuri, M., Basu, D. K. 2013. Thermal Human Face Recognition Based on Haar Wavelet Transform and Series Matching Technique. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: 155.