Content of review 1, reviewed on August 17, 2015

The article significantly contributes value addition to the world of knowledge. Today's organizations are more profoundly oriented and aligned with respect to the perceptions and aspirations of the top management. Though the CEO's are paid incredibly high along with other incentives but the issue of its justification and serious inequity with other employees is a factor that needs to be addressed in a thought provoking manner. The article discusses these issues along with customer satisfaction and employees motivation and their relationship that counts to enhance the firm value. The paper also discusses the approaches of marketing in relation with the types of market namely stables and unstable markets that eventually circumscribe the firm's strategy.


    © 2015 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Xueming, L., Jan, W., Christian, H. 2012. Incentivizing CEOs to build customer- and employee-firm relations for higher customer satisfaction and firm value. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.