Content of review 1, reviewed on May 18, 2022

The simple reading of the abstract induces curiosity, since it does not suggest from which this starting point the following work arose. Important is the bibliographic research which already shows in other works the presence of lymphadepathy, which later turned out to be metastatic along the gastroepiploic and infraduodenal arch. There are also important possible implications of a more precise rethinking of the vascularization of the colon by vessels not yet clearly explored and which obviously may also have a decisive importance in the treatment of transverse colon cancer through a qualified lymphadenectomy. The conclusion is to consider this a preliminary study to be deepened with studies at the sectoral table and certainly in the operating room at qualified centers that guide the smaller centers


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    Jiankun, L., Haiquan, Q., Li, W., Zigao, H., Linghou, M., Wentao, W., Xianwei, M. 2022. Anatomy of Subpancreatic Transverse Colon Vessel and Its Clinical Significance: An Observational Study. Frontiers in Surgery.