Content of review 1, reviewed on April 04, 2016

The authors present a de novo assembly of the Pectinophora gossypiella (Pink bollworm) midgut transcriptome. This data set represents a reference for future studies investigating the molecular basis of the midgut in this species with particular relevance to pest control using Bt toxins. The transcriptome also provides a resource to compare with other important Lepidopteran pests such as Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera sp.

The sequencing, assembly and annotation protocols are sound and thorough. The pipelines are logical using up-to-date methods and resources including a comparative analysis with other midgut transcriptomes of Lepidoptera. I could see no obvious errors or omissions and therefore recommend 'Accept' for publication of the data.

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    E., T. E., Gina, Z., John, M., E., N. M., Gusui, W., Lindsey, F. J., Yves, C., E., T. B., A., F. J. 2016. Sequencing, de novo assembly and annotation of a pink bollworm larval midgut transcriptome. GigaScience.