Content of review 1, reviewed on April 21, 2021

This article presents an objective and appropriate title for the research. The abstract brings the research theme, objective, theoretical line, corpus and brief results. I just missed the research method in the abstract.

The literature review section is based on the perspective of literacy studies and discursive gender theories applied to academic writing. The authors also mobilize references to discuss the concept of abstract as a genre inserted in a colony and in a chain of genres, reviewing the main studies on the theme, from the point of view of its rhetorical configuration. The authors also place the abstract genre in the context of the institutional scientific initiation program (CI), which is the 'locus' event of the research and source of the data. Therefore, the literature review is well elaborated.

The research methodology section, for me, is not very clear. The research corpus brings 32 copies of abstracts presented at a CI event at a public university in Northeastern Brazil. The analyzed texts are included in the abstract book of the CI seminar in question, having been selected from the large area of Human Sciences. According to the authors, the selection of abstracts took place at random. I think that the criteria for selecting abstracts have not yet been made explicit. To complement the textual analysis, the authors sought the answers presented by the authors of the abstracts to a questionnaire applied via e-mail, whose questions sought evidence of the literate practices of these authors. This, certainly, reinforces the need to present the research method in a clear and objective way. The analyzes point to significant variations in the organization and conduct of information in the abstracts, which can make it difficult to identify elements considered to be prototypical of the genre. Therefore, one of the communicative requirements is that the abstract contains the main information of the text that generated it (final research report), so that the reader has a synthetic view of all the work and its structure, since the text that generates the abstract will not accompany it. In this sense, most students (73%) claimed to have taken the event's notice into account when producing the abstract. Based on the results, it is concluded that there is some flexibility both on the part of the students and of the participants of the discursive community in dealing with the conventions that govern the construction of the academic abstract. As for the references, although they are not recent, they are suitable for research.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    de, M. B. O. R., Gomes, B. B. 2021. The Writing of Abstracts in the Framework of Undergraduate Students’ Academic Literacies. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada.