Content of review 1, reviewed on November 15, 2015

Introducing Base - the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments soil microbial diversity database By Bissett et al. Wonderful initiative, well written manuscript. Accept with modifications.

Main points

  • The one thing I am most disappointed by is the practice of combining all samples from one sampling location into one replicate. If I understood this well, this severely limits the ecological relevance of the Base. This problem is obviously not solved by the pseudoreplication that is done by extracting the same sample three times (L 205, L 165), and so we can question whether the Base dataset is good enough to conduct large scale integration (as claimed in L 162). Please clarify and if needed discuss.
  • Is there a policy of expanding the dataset in the future? For example, it is pointed out that all data is generated by single laboratories (but see below); does that exclude other labs from depositing their data?
  • Quality of Fig. 3 is low, and I could not distinguish the text even on the downloaded Fig.
  • Fig 4 is similar, but also has a poor layout and repeats Fig. 1.
  • Table two: remove empty lines in table, add % classified for all categories of organisms and explain abbreviations

Minor comments:

  • Table 1: "grain size" should be replaced with "particle size distribution" or "clay, silt, and sand content". "Position in the landscape" used in the text and table needs some explanation. The abbreviation "Exc" should be explained (probably replace with "extr").  Fig. 1: The arrow in Fig. can be thicker, so it is easier to see.
  • The inclusion of the Australian Antarctic Territories (Davis Station - Fig. 1B) in Australian is contested. A note could be included stating that this claim is recognized by only four countries in the world (according to Wiki)
  • Although it is the choice of the authors to make the Figs in this manuscript, it would have liked to see a map with more information (Fig. 1), for example the various biomes or vegetation types (as in Fig. 4 I think although the quality is too low to know). Or perhaps a precipitation/climate map.
  • L 150: what is "IBRA 7" (reference, website, version 7)?
  • L 153: remove "also"  Throughout the text: inconsistent use of commas
  • L 177: inconsistent: "soil chemical and physical attributes were usually…" (this line), "single facilities were used …" (L 170), and L 313 ("by a single laboratory")
  • L 188: insert "extractable" between "(DTPA)" and "trace"
  •  L 197: add "distribution" after "soil particle size".
  • L 228: unclear sentence starting with "after merging" … "sequences were merged". What was the reason to do that? What was the conclusion from this activity?
  • L 285: should this be "6" representatives instead of "4" (see line 261)?
  •  L 278: replace "ref" with appropriate reference.
  •  L 309 and 316: If "EMP" is not used as an abbreviation, it can be removed
  • L 322: insert "that" between "ensure" and "raw"
  • L 357L abbreviation "BASE"!. Use "BASE" as this is the abbreviation introduced earlier.
  • L 408. The "term community turnover" is surprising, as only one sample at one time is taken. Please elaborate wither the turnover is a research goal for the future or can be done today (as stated).
  • L 417 and following: too many "Current"s
  • presence of a summary at the end of the paper while there is an abstract seems strange.
  • L 616: replace "positions" with "sites" or "locations"


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Content of review 2, reviewed on February 22, 2016

The paper is acceptable in its present form assuming the quality of the Figs can be improved as suggested.

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    Andrew, B., Anna, F., Thys, M., M., M. P., Frank, R., G., D. P., F., B. M., Belinda, B., V., B. M., Joel, B., Margaret, B., Stefan, C., Bernie, C., J., C. D., Carolina, C., C., F. B., R., G. V. V. S., Kelly, H., Asha, H., Philip, H., Mirko, K., Jason, K., J., L. A., Stuart, M., Leanne, M., David, M., Matt, M., I., N. K., Chanyarat, P., Elise, P., Lori, P., Rebecca, P., R., P. J., A., R. M., Susanne, S., Nicole, S., Ian, S., R., S. J., Matthew, S., Matt, T., Kristen, W., Kit, Y. Y., M., Z. C., Andrew, Y. 2016. Introducing BASE: the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments soil microbial diversity database. GigaScience.