Content of review 1, reviewed on September 28, 2020

Abstract, title and references: Title of the study is clear,:population, place and country is mentioned. Title is informative and relevant. Abstract: Background: Aim of the study is clearly mentioned , gap in knowledge and novelty of research is mentioned .

Methods : Study design is clear ( Cross sectional study), method of sampling is not clear.

Result is clear . Conclusion is clear, it can be easily co-related with aims, methods and result section. References: References are relevant and most are recent.

Comments on introduction/background: Logical sequence is maintained (Funneling is done). Adequate literature review done. Acronyms written in full when used for the first time. Aims is clear. Research question is mentioned and clearly described. Gap in knowledge is mentioned.

Comments on methodology 1.Design is clear: cross-sectional study 2. Setting, duration and location mentioned. content validity of the questionnaire was done. 3.Method of sampling is not clear. Did they have send questions to all ANC providers or not, it is not clear. 4..Eligibility criteria is not clearly mentioned. 5.Method of questionnaire administration is clear. 6.Variables were defined properly and seems to measured appropriately. 7.Statistical tool used in study is mentioned. 8.What type of probable bias can occur and how to minimize it is not mentioned.

Comments on data and results

1.Results is well written in text and tabular form. 2.Tables provided are relevant and clearly presented. 3. Appropriate units, and number of decimals. 4. Appropriate rounding is not seen . Please correct it appropriately. For example correct this one ( As 100.0% is not seen in table 3: Asking pregnant women about oral health is outside routine ANC practice (99.9%), I have the skills to advise pregnant women on oral health (99.9%), I feel confident about performing oral assessments (99.9%), Pregnant women will be comfortable with a GP/O&G assessing oral health during normal antenatal checkups (99.9%),I am concerned about being sued if something goes wrong in a pregnancy (99.9%), I am interested in further information about dental care to pregnant women (99.9%), I am interested in further training to provide dental assessments to pregnant women (99.9%). Table 4: I discuss the importance of oral health with pregnant women during clinical care (100.1%), I advise pregnant women to visit dentists during early pregnancy (99.9%). 4. Titles, columns, and rows labelled correctly and clearly.

Comments on discussion and conclusions

  1. The results are discussed from multiple angles and placed into context without being over interpreted. 2, Conclusions answer the aims of the study.
  2. Conclusions are supported by results.
  3. Sufficient comparison with other relevant studies.
  4. Limitations of the study is mentioned. 6.Further research recommendation is mentioned which is good.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Ajesh, G., G., D. H., Jennifer, R., Shilpi, A., Sameer, B., Andrew, K., Ng, C. H., Charmaine, M., Amy, V., Maree, J. 2016. What do antenatal care providers understand and do about oral health care during pregnancy: a cross-sectional survey in New South Wales, Australia. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.