Content of review 1, reviewed on May 12, 2020

Please summarize why you have categorized this article as promising/incremental/red-flagged. The more detailed reasoning you provide here, the more useful your review will be to others who are interested in your evaluation of the article.

The paper estimates the Basic Reproductive Number (R0) for Covid-19 and compares it with both other contagious diseases and also previous estimates for Covid. The most important part of the paper is the fact that authors highlight that R0 is sensitive to the mathematical modeling being used and cities different studies that have used various techniques to estimate R0. Since R0 (& Rt) is actively being used for decision making by many towards re-opening of economy, it is important to highlight the sensitivity of R0 to the method used. This paper exactly serves that purpose.


    © 2020 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Ying, L., A., G. A., Annelies, W., Joacim, R. 2020. The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus. Journal of Travel Medicine, 27(2).