Content of review 1, reviewed on January 03, 2020

This article discusses the implementation of a TIC training program in a mental health service facility. This is an important topic as it incorporates holistic care towards the trauma victim—taking into account the prevention of re-traumatization. The abstract clearly identifies the population, location, and variables that were measured.

The study was a 3-part project, that looked at the incidence of trauma/adversity, creation/implementation of a TIC training program, and creation/evaluation of a TIC intervention. The phases were clearly identified and discussed, allowing readers to re-create the protocol in their own facilities/practice. The tools were identified, and the results are clearly stated in the manuscript. The results of this study are very important for healthcare professionals that take care of trauma patients in that they show that the utilization of a TIC approach helps understand the provide care for patients without creating an environment of re-traumatization.

Major points in the article which needs clarification, refinement, reanalysis, rewrites and/or additional information and suggestions for what could be done to improve the article.

  1. There is a discussion on the tools that the researchers created for this study. However, it is not clear if the tools were validated with content experts prior to utilizing this study. A suggestion would be to include the validation/reliability data as part of the manuscript.

Minor points like figures/tables not being mentioned in the text, a missing reference, typos, and other inconsistencies.

  1. The sources are in APA format; however, the majority are not currently based on the year of submission (within 5 years).


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Nicola, P., E., R. R., Velissa, A., C., C. J., Virginia, M., M., R. D., Beverley, R. 2019. Achieving Service Change Through the Implementation of a Trauma-Informed Care Training Program Within a Mental Health Service. Community Mental Health Journal.