Post-publication Review of
Reviewed On March 01, 2018
Reviewed by
Content of review 1, reviewed on March 01, 2018

This manuscript describes how geometry of the cell can induce growth or apoptosis. The cell extracellular matrix anchoring agents direct the shape growth of cells. Their main hypotheses, that states apoptosis control is shape is tested demonstrated under different conditions and give similar behaviors representing the universality of this method. The data and figures are clearly represented, and the writing has an order and easy to follow structure. The experimental data is supported by relevant controls and alternative explanations are tested. The figures show consistency through all the article and have a clear objective to test the main hypothesis of the geometric control of cell death. The method is tested over controlled chemical environment and geometries, although the main hypothesis is supported by evidence, integrin binding may govern the shape constrains in real life random pattern environments. The relevance of this work is clearly stated as angiogenesis is a perquisite for tumor growth and the fundamental understanding of cell life could help give insight into preventive therapies. I recommend this article to be publish while the following questions should be clarified:

1.- In figure 1, the authors test the spreading of cells on different size bead, there seems to be a big difference in the level of apoptosis between 10 and 25 microns, using intermediate size beads could shed light if there is a threshold or linear dependence of cell apoptosis.

2.- Did the authors observed the coexistence of two or more cell, growing in a single large bead or pattern (<20)

3.- In figure 2b, the authors compare the apoptosis rate versus the DNA synthesis, under different adhesive island area. Most of the middle points between 500 and 2500 um2 do not contain direct comparison as they only plot the DNA synthesis. The authors should test different areas to establish the threshold for dead apoptosis.


    © 2018 the Reviewer.


    CS, C., M, M., S, H., GM, W., DE, I. 1997. Geometric control of cell life and death. Science, 276(5317).