Content of review 1, reviewed on December 26, 2015

Tamazian et al. introduce a tool for arranging assembled contigs or scaffolds into chromosomes using a closely related reference genome. There have been various tools published over the years for doing this, many referenced by the authors. As the authors say in the abstract, the process of generating ordered/orientated chromosomes is a 'crucial step of any genome study'. The consequences of introducing errors in this step of a genome project potentially affect many of the downstream analysis/interpretation steps.

The text of the paper is overall fine and well written, in terms of language and presentation.

I have one major concern though - I think the paper requires a much more substantial evaluation of the accuracy of the software (ideally to include more than just one other tool - several are cited). The only numerical measures of accuracy are identity, length, mismatches, and coverage. To me, the goal of the assessment should be to measure the structural accuracy of the chromosomes produced - from the local structure (few kbp range), longer range accuracy (e.g. tens to hundreds of kbp), and the overall chromosome organisation accuracy. Then the question of where are the mistakes being made, e.g. are the coding regions of the genome correct - for species with splicing, are the exons in the correct order+orientation? Are structural variations differences between the species being assembled and the reference genome represented correctly in the chromosomes? Especially transposable element differences, which can be difficult since they contain repetitive sequence.

I can think of a few ways to create this sort of evaluation 1) take a species with PE reads, and mate pair libraries of various sizes, create scaffolds with all but the largest mate pair library, run chromosomer and other similar tools, and then use the largest library to see how many of those mate-pairs align in the correct orientation and in the expected size range. 2) Create simulated genomes with structural variations at different size ranges, create PE and mate pair libraries, run chromosomes (and other tools), and then look at the representation of the introduced simulated structural variants. 3) In the real data sets (could use the existing presented datasets), it would be very very useful to know the accuracy of the coding regions, e.g. exon order+orientation, as a way to compare the performance of different tools.

Minor things: - the quality of the figures with the dotplots is not good. I can't read the legends and most of the dot plot is quite blurry.

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Content of review 2, reviewed on May 12, 2016

Reviewer recommendation: Accept. 

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