Content of review 1, reviewed on May 08, 2022

Abstract Line 38-41: ………………………….. of mountain apples were considerable (P < 0.05). What do you mean by considerable? Line 30, 142 and others: ……………..FI: 85–100%θf …………… Create a space between numbers and units like …………………FI: 85–100 % θf……………………………… 9.2°C …………. 9.2 °C Line 33 and others: Can you replace middle nitrogen with medium nitrogen throughout the manuscript?

Introduction Line 81, 108, and others: Write Fe, TOPSIS etc in full at first mentioned. Check throughout the manuscript. Line 136: of soil in the experimental field was………………. Replace was with is. Line 141: noteworthy trait of a warm, temperate, semi-arid climate. ………………. add with after temperate …………………. Line 141: noteworthy trait of a warm, temperate, semi-arid climate. ………………. add with after temperate ………………….

Materials and Methods Line 151: Seven-year-old mountain apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Hanfu) plants (the conventional…………………….. Modify to Seven-year-old mountain apple (M. domestica Borkh. cv. Hanfu) plants obtained from conventional………………………….. Line 157: examined within 200 cm using the root-drilling method, add reference(s). Line 188-189: The phosphate and potash fertilizers were applied jointly with nitrogen fertilizer every time. Recast to bring clarity. Line 195-196: The two years of 2019 and 2020 were median water years, and the soil moisture content of DIS failed to make the lesser limit of the experimental design, what do you want to say? Line 197: ……………. irrigated by 5 mm at each……………… place water after mm. Line 208: Place briefly before 3 measuring ………………… Line 310 & 312: Add references or software developers to software. For example Origin Statistical software, Version 9 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA 01060 USA). Line 312-313: Duncan Multiple Range Test is an example of post-hoc means separation only after when analysis of variance (ANOVA) is significant. Modify this section include ANOVA and model used for analysis.

Results Line 316 and several others: What do you mean by considerable on line 316, noteworthy on line 328, no important distinction on line 329, important on line 354? Interpretation of your results seems not captured statistical meanings and implications, revise all.
Line 327-328: Delete the full definitions of IWUE, TWUE and NPFP as you already defined on Lines 245, 249 and 252, respectively. Line 359, 392-397: ……………… 0.387% and 0.397%............. check for consistency of your decimal places throughout the manuscript. Preferably, maintain 2 decimal places. Line 367, 369 and 379: important positive, what you mean? Recast to bring clarity. Line 377-379: There were significant positive correlations between sugar acid ratio and color index, with important negative correlations between fruit firmness and sugar acid ratio and color index ……………. Modify to There was significant positive correlations between sugar acid ratio and color index, while the fruit firmness negatively correlated with either sugar acid ratio or color index. Line 397: ………………………. Major correlations………………….. What do you mean by this? Recast. Figures and Tables, the authors did not cite Figure and Table numbers in the results adequately to aid reading and checking. Kindly cite in the results and discussion with appropriate Figure and Table numbers. Line 482: The Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)……. Delete the full definition of TOPSIS since you need to write in full under introduction (see above).

Conclusions Line 539-541: Delete the full definitions of IWUE, TWUE and NPFP as you already defined on Lines 245, 249 and 252, respectively.

Tables Table 3 and 4: Add in your footnotes full meaning of IWUE, TWUE and NPFP. Remember Tables and Figures should stand along (give full meaning) without one reading the full manuscript.

Figures What do bars and errors stand for? Are they mean±standard error or deviation. Add to the title as footnote.

Others The manuscript needs intensive English editing and see statistician to rewrite interpretation of results on Correlation and Analysis of Variance.


    © 2022 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Kun, H., Liangjun, F., Lihua, L., Feilong, J., Youliang, P., Xiaogang, L., Aslam, K. S., Dong, W., Xiukang, W. 2022. Comprehensive Evaluation on the Yield, Quality, and Water-Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Mountain Apple Under Surge-Root Irrigation in the Loess Plateau Based on the Improved TOPSIS Method. Frontiers in Plant Science.