Content of review 1, reviewed on September 19, 2019

Review Comments:

Authors have discussed shortly about recommendation system in section 1. Introduction. But need and importance of “Personalized recommendations” is missing which is more attractive and of more interest as per the objective of the research. Section 2.5.2. Neural Network defined under main section 2.5 Generalized Matrix Factorization (GMF), discussion about the neural network is very much generalized and doesn’t reflect any specific outcome to be discussed as a part of this section. Here more focus authors gave on discussing very basic explanation of neural network. However it is expected to give more focus on why and how neural network with GMF? Other more important concern is authors have stated “Neural network is a kind of machine learning technique”, but specifically authors haven’t mentioned details about the type of neural network (actually considered) and can it be a “Deep Learning” technique (as applied here) upon no of layers used. The categorization is not clear here.

Need to give some focus on proper formatting and following same style (for main heading, sub- heading, figures, formulas and paragraphs) throughout the all sections. In technical writing too much use of et al. may be avoided. Instead have numbered references and cite using reference number as standard of referencing. It is advised to remove repeated discussion of same details and make it more readable for the audience. Fix some grammatical and punctuation corrections. Overall it is a good writing and technical flow of writing is well maintained.


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