Content of review 1, reviewed on September 02, 2021

Brief overview of the paper and its main findings

In the experiment Mangosteen peel liquid-protected soybean meal (MPLP-SBM) affect rumen microbiome as well as rumen fermentation end-products in lactating dairy cows.

Major and minor points

Tannins are polyphenolic compounds with high affinity to proteins. In the rumen they are forming stable rumen complexes and protecting dietary protein from the degradation which inhibit some rumen microbes. MPLP-SBM reduced methanogenic population in the rumen, and reduced the production of methane in dairy cattle.

Conflicts of interest

I have no conflicts of interest here.


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Kampanat, P., Burarat, P., Metha, W. 2022. Mangosteen Peel Liquid-Protected Soybean Meal Can Shift Rumen Microbiome and Rumen Fermentation End-Products in Lactating Crossbred Holstein Friesian Cows. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.