Content of review 1, reviewed on May 17, 2021

The research aim were well placed both in the title and in the abstract. The authors summarized well the methods used to achieve the objectives, as well as the results found. With that, they suggested new qualifiers to describe and classify soils in anthropized environments. Most of the references used were recent and relevant to the development of the research. The problem was well exposed in the introduction: the methods of description and classification of soils in the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS) were constituted for field surveys. Thus, there was a certain difficulty in finding descriptors or qualifiers for anthropized environments, such as the urban environment, which include characteristics that are absent in natural areas. The methods adopted to achieve the objectives have been clearly described and well grounded in the literature. The authors chose not to detail the analytical methods but indicated the corresponding bibliographic reference. The adopted protocol (Table 1) as well as the image of the studied area were also useful in understanding the methods adopted. The results were exposed in the text and, much more, in images and tables that help the reader to see the research product. In addition, the proposed new qualifiers were presented in this section, fulfilling the proposed objective. Thus, the authors concluded that the proposed objective was achieved by the adopted protocol and that the qualifiers suggested in the classification system must be adopted in other studies. As this is a work that has already been reviewed, there is not much to consider in this evaluation. I agree with Dr. Yuri on the importance of this course to suggest articles not yet reviewed for this activity.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Rafaela, d. C. J., Araujo, P. F. d., Simao, D. D. R., Bergamo, S. R. 2019. Field Description and Identification of Diagnostic Qualifiers for Urban Soils in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo.