Content of review 1, reviewed on May 20, 2019

a. They focused on those sensors that may provide extra information and help the FER systems to detect emotion in both static images and video sequences. So the Aim pretty clear. b. Also they used different methods for their found with clear description. c. The title is less than 15 words and so general due to coverage of their research. d. With having 126 relevant references up to 2019, which are referenced correctly, this section is so informative.

a. Introduction sections paid to prior related researches in the field of study, correctly. b. Also necessary questions about what is needed is clearly raised. c. Based on Tables 1 to 5, it is clear what is already known about the subject. d. Proposed method is just 2 pages out of 27 pages which needs to be extended.

a. Subject selection is used clear process. b. All the variables are defined correctly. c. Paper used famous data sets in the related field in numbers which increases the readability of the research.

a. Data presentation is based on tables and diagrams which have quality and quantity. Tables, figures and units are in common format, but the captions are small. Specially figure 3 is unreadable. b. The comparison with other methods is not satisfying.

c. Conclusion is described the aim of study very well and spoke about future works.

a. Using tools to answer the aim was satisfactory. b. They used multi modal sensor data for FER which is added enough to what already known in this subject. c. The paper does not show robustness and consistent in validation section but in general it is good.


    © 2019 the Reviewer.


    Najmeh, S., Guangyan, H., Borui, C., Wei, L., Chi-Hung, C., Yong, X., Jing, H. 2019. A Review on Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Systems Assisted by Multimodal Sensor Data. Sensors.