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Introduction Contemporary published data present confounding results on use of PRF in soft- and hard-tissue healing in the oral cavity, and many authors have suggested for further studies to reach the definitive conclusion. Aim Our main objective therefore was to evaluate soft-tissue healing and osseous regeneration (by using VIXWIN PRO software) in extraction sites of mandibular third molars with substantial sample size to understand the effect of PRF in bony defects. Methodology Sixty patients had their bilaterally impacted third molars (120 sites) extracted in the split mouth study, following which platelet-rich fibrin was placed in one of the sockets. Patients were followed up clinically and radiographically, and pain score, presence of infection, exudation of graft and VIXWIN PRO software were used to evaluate healing of soft tissue and bone. Result and Conclusion Our study advocates the use of PRF for enhanced soft- and hard-tissue healing. Though the osseous regeneration could be differentiated in both the groups at second month interval only, pain scores were better with PRF at most instances. Subsequent phase to the research should include histopathological investigations for ancillary support.


Sharma, Rahul;  Sharma, Parveen;  Sharma, Sneha D.;  Chhabra, Naveen;  Gupta, Ashish;  Shukla, Deepankar

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  • 2 authors
  • 1 reviewer