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The current outbreak of novel COVID-19 challenges the development of an efficient treatment plan as soon as possible. Several promising treatment options stand out as potential therapy of COVID-19, including plasma-derived drugs, monoclonal antibodies, antivirals, antimalarial, cell therapy, and cotticostemids. Dexamethasone an approved corticosteroid medication, acting as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant agent. In the current pandemic, dexamethasone is declared a "major development" in the fight against COVID-19. Steroidal dexamethasone was presented as the recent advancement that significantly reduces the mortality rate among severe COVID-19 cases. This review summarizes the preliminary opinion about the dexamethasone outbreak, therapeutic potential, risks, and strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Noreen, Sobia;  Maqbool, Irsah;  Madni, Asadullah

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