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Ionizing radiation is increasingly used to successfully diagnose many human health problems, but ionizing radiation may cause damage to organs/tissues in the living organisms such as the spleen, liver, skin, and brain. Many radiation protective agents have been discovered, with the deepening of radiation research. Unfortunately, these protective agents have many side effects, which cause drug resistance, nausea, vomiting, osteoporosis, etc. The polysaccharides extracted from natural sources are widely available and low in toxicity. In vivo and in vitro experiments have demonstrated that polysaccharides have anti-radiation activity through anti-oxidation, immune regulation, protection of hematopoietic system and protection against DNA damage. Recently, some studies have shown that polysaccharides were resistant to radiation. In the review, the anti-radiation activities of polysaccharides from different sources are summarized, and the anti-radiation mechanisms are discussed as well. It can be used to develop more effective anti-radiation management drugs. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.


Wang, Wenjie;  Xue, Changhu;  Mao, Xiangzhao

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