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This research engaged consumers with severe and persistent mental illness receiving services in the public mental health sector in creating a comprehensive list of 110 needed community services and supports, then individually sorting and rating these items. Within the resulting concept map generated by Concept System software and as interpreted by the study participants, successfully living in the community is actualized when there is an outer layer of support regarding basic needs; financial means; individualized, comprehensive and available services; competent and caring staff; community education; legal rights enforcement; and social change directed at dismantling the discrimination and stigma associated with mental illness. Peer support and services is critical component, providing a transformational space from basic survival into recovery, supporting personal development and skills building and further social development. This study demonstrates that adult public mental health consumers actively receiving services can engage in collaborative research in meaningfully determining what their needs are, conceptualizing what the services should be and how developed, and articulating service prioritization.


Onken, Steven J.

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